virtual set creation using bts photos i took of the set during pre-production. achieving realism is easier than it looks.
ass crack achieved through compositing.
cgi door added. having the door out of focus and covered in shados help sells it. the still frame was converted into an emission texture, which lit the cgi element accurately to its surroundings.
Full cgi shot of shoe swimming in bean puddle. always shoot practically. making the shot less than 1 second is long enough for your brain to quickly realize what its seeing but short enough to not recognize all the flaws in the shot. still, very noticeable cgi. color grading also help sells it.
cgi door. same as above.
full cgi shot. putting imperfections, and the smallest details will help sell the shot.
set reconstruction. using photos as texture to make lighting and texturing process easier.
cgi beans. by far the most complex shot I've ever done. always shoot practically.